
One of our brainstorming and brunching meetings. We are working, honestly! It always amazes me how we can go our separate ways, bring back little sparks of ideas and end up having hours and hours of discussion as a result. Training/Rehearsal starts in a little over a week. That's when we'll begin our focused exploration with mind, body and voice. I'm so looking forward to that. Garry always makes it challenging and interesting. Also, anything we have collected or written to that point will still be possible material and over the course of the month of October, a show will come to being.

We've set the previews tentatively for the first weekend in November. Space is still a fuzzy issue. Steven is talking to some people, I'm looking at some different things as well. Of course, money is an object and we're holding off on booking tickets still. I try to take my cues from Garry who seems able not to stress about any of these things. It all works out, somehow, in the end.

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