Just Sayin' DaPoPo Style

DaPoPo is an independent theatre company operating out of Halifax, NS. DaPoPo has been invited to participate in the "Just Say It! 2006" Festival at the FEZ Berlin in November 2006. This is a look inside the process of creating and touring a new show with DaPoPo.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Our Thematic Jungle

Me again. I don't want anyone to think I'm doing this blog for myself, it just appears the boyz aren't into blogging. Yet! Mwahahaha.

We're working out format and presentation and how to take the lovely nuggets we have and put them out there for public consumption. I often feel like I need a large paper bag when we start talking about it all. Garry dropped the idea of the "thematic jungle" the other day, and how appropriate that seemed to me. We can swing on vines forever in here: from global warming to apathy to wickedness to individual vs. human identification to science and popular myth to child slave cocoa bean pickers in Ivory Coast... it goes on. Really. Unfortunately, it does go on.

Shtev is bringing his friend Vanessa in to "eavesdrop" on a rehearsal with the idea that we might be able to get a visual arts exhibit going in conjunction with this show. The original idea stemmed from talking about eyelevelgallery as a possible venue (no, we haven't talked to them yet) and how cool it would be to have the answers to the "What Would U Do" survey amassed and creatively shown as the backdrop. We've had a few replies to the postering, several to our own personal email-outs and solicitations and pretty much N-O-N-E to the ad we placed in the Coast. That was pretty disappointing for me.

Oh, well, I guess it is true that just because you're particularly jazzed or curious about something doesn't mean everyone else is. Garry says face-to-face is always best in terms of really gauging things. Maybe we should accost people in the mall?

On a non-work note, Garry and Eric came over for Thanksgiving dinner. Steve had to work but the next day didn't seem to want any of my turkey. What gives?


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