In Progress and Progressing

Just a quick update... something that has eluded us for a very long time now. We are in Germany - I forgot my USB cable, so no pictures, but we've been too busy to take any anyway. Will try for some more later. Hope to get some shots at great places around Berlin in our costumes. I'll save description for photos.

The show went up today, with an audience of about 60 17 year-old German kids. They were cool, found humour where we hadn't noticed, transfixed by times and restless at others. So hard to gauge if it's the material, us or the language issue.

Still, not too bad for not having had a real dress rehearsal in real space! Plus, the technician we thought we were to have didn't show, so it was all done in general light. That was ok except for certain spots where a lighting cue would have enhanced our transitions. Plus Steven and Eric had spent ages creating cues and writing things out the previous day, so it was too bad their efforts went to waste, at least for today.

I realized afterwards, we are all "on" this entire show, switching characters, attitudes and mostly everything almost constantly. Occasionally someone drops out, just watches, but we're all there all the time. It's a very fast show, has ended up being focussed almost entirely on the myth of Icarus, using the key features as allegory for an apocalyptic sense of the world... labyrinths, mazes, powerful kings, gods and mortals, young people and adults. Makes sense to us! We'll see how it goes with audiences and beyond.
More work to be done!
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